Meet Our Instructors
Discover the talented DJs who will guide you. Our instructors bring years of experience and a passion for music to every class.
Meet Our Instructors
Our talented mentors are here to guide you on your DJ journey.

DJ Spinmaster
Head Instructor
With over 15 years of experience in the industry, DJ Spinmaster specializes in electronic music and has performed at major festivals worldwide.

Lady Beats
An expert in hip-hop and R&B, Lady Beats has a passion for teaching and empowering young female DJs.

DJ Scratch
Known for his incredible scratching skills, DJ Scratch has been a part of the DJ community for over a decade and loves sharing his techniques.

Mix Master Mike
Mix Master Mike is a versatile DJ who excels in various genres and has a knack for creating unforgettable mixes.

DJ Nova
DJ Nova brings a unique blend of music theory and practical skills, ensuring students understand the art of DJing.

Professor Groove
With a background in music production, Professor Groove teaches students how to create their own tracks and mixes.

DJ Rhythm
DJ Rhythm specializes in live performances and teaches students how to engage with their audience effectively.
Join Us Now
Start your DJ journey with our expert instructors today!